What follows is one hell of a mad dash to the escape vehicle that is flat-out hilarious to watch. Then on the finale, everyone is expecting the hot-air balloon to land on the rooftop.only for the balloon to drift down to the docks below the lighthouse they are holed up in.
Everyone is baffled at how Taka was quickly knocked down, only for them to find out after the fact that the container door that leads forward has a lovely surprise behind it: a car that tumbles out. First, on the Ship level, when Taka is suddenly incapacitated.
Lani shouting 'EL KABONG!' when he melees zombies after getting his hands on a guitar.In the final part of 'The Sacrifice', right as Lani is about to jump down and perform the titular act, a Smoker yanks him off the platform and drags him towards the generator.Lani: OLD MAN ON SPEED! WHAT WANTS TO DIE?!