He said when he was allowed out of the bedroom, Pratt would force him to stay sitting on the kitchen floor. “In the statement, the boy said he was so underfed, he had gained 100 pounds in six months after leaving Pratt’s home. Here are some details revealed about the sick torture that this poor boy went through: It is not known why the boy was given custody to his step-father and why his immediate family was uninvolved in his upbringing or how the heinous abuse went unnoticed for so long.
The step-father with-held food and water and sexually tortured and physically and emotionally abused the child from the time he was 11 up until he was 17, when he finally told his mother who did not live with them about the abuse.
A boy’s stepfather kept him locked in his room for six years, using an alarm and hooks and straps to keep him imprisoned in his bedroom.